Sections & Functions

i) Administration, Human Resource & Finance Section



General administration which comprises: handling of mail, filing and management/maintenance of assets and office facilities.


Budgeting and finance, including preparation of annual budget, purchasing of goods and services.


Accounting, including preparation of annual accounts, issuing of invoices, payment of bills, registration of amounts received, and bookkeeping.


Procedural norms, comprising performance procedures for the organisation. At present, some procedures within the NREB are ISO certified and others are prescribed on a more ad-hoc basis.


Human resource management, comprising salary and benefits, staff record, recruitment, service record, discipline, etc.


Human resource development, comprising training, career development, performance appraisal, etc.


* The administration of the regional offices is included in the tasks of the Administration and Finance Section.



ii) Planning and Development Section



Plan, implement and report the environmental studies.


Plan, implement, monitor and report on the State and Federal funded environmental projects.


Formulate environmental goals and standards in consistence with the existing and relevant government policies and development agenda, as well as the relevant MEAs (Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements).



iii) Environmental Regulation Section



Process EIA reports and other environmental reports.


Review and formulate environmental guidelines.


Process applications for open burning permit.


Process applications for registration of environmental consultants.


Provide inputs on environmental issues in various Task Forces, Committees and Working Groups both at the State as well as National levels.



iv) Compliance and Enforcement Section



Conduct post-EIA environmental monitoring and compliance auditing.


Conduct general patrolling and surveillance for open burning, illegal dumping and other point-source pollutions.


Assess environmental monitoring and auditing reports for projects subjected to EIA and to initiate appropriate follow-up actions.


Investigate public complaints on environmental matters.


Enforce Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance and its subsidiary Rules, Orders and Regulations.


Initiate legal action on environmental offences.



v) Environmental Education and Publicity Section



Plan and implement environmental education and awareness programmes.


Establish school environmental clubs (Kelab Pencinta Alam Sekitar or PALS).


Organize environmental dialogues, seminars, workshops and exhibitions.


Promote private sector involvement and commitment towards and self regulation through environmental awards and recognition.


Foster public relation through press and other media for greater awareness and better rapport with stakeholders.



vi) Monitoring and Reporting Section



Collect, collate, analyze, interpret and report on the water quality of major rivers and other water bodies in Sarawak.


Develop, coordinate and update the State GeoEnviron System.


Develop and update the Landfill and Dumpsite Information System of Sarawak.


Monitor the air quality and haze situations in Sarawak.






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© Copyright of Natural Resources And Environment Board Sarawak
Last Updated On 21 Mar 2025

Operation Hours :

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 11:45 am & 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Payment Counter :

Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 12:30 noon & 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
8:30 am - 11:00 am & 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

* Close on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday
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