Sections & Functions
i) Administration, Human Resource & Finance Section
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General administration which comprises: handling of mail, filing and management/maintenance of assets and office facilities. |
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Budgeting and finance, including preparation of annual budget, purchasing of goods and services. |
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Accounting, including preparation of annual accounts, issuing of invoices, payment of bills, registration of amounts received, and bookkeeping. |
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Procedural norms, comprising performance procedures for the organisation. At present, some procedures within the NREB are ISO certified and others are prescribed on a more ad-hoc basis. |
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Human resource management, comprising salary and benefits, staff record, recruitment, service record, discipline, etc. |
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Human resource development, comprising training, career development, performance appraisal, etc. |
* The administration of the regional offices is included in the tasks of the Administration and Finance Section. |
ii) Planning and Development Section
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Plan, implement and report the environmental studies. |
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Plan, implement, monitor and report on the State and Federal funded environmental projects. |
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Formulate environmental goals and standards in consistence with the existing and relevant government policies and development agenda, as well as the relevant MEAs (Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements). |
iii) Environmental Regulation Section
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Process EIA reports and other environmental reports. |
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Review and formulate environmental guidelines. |
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Process applications for open burning permit. |
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Process applications for registration of environmental consultants. |
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Provide inputs on environmental issues in various Task Forces, Committees and Working Groups both at the State as well as National levels. |
iv) Compliance and Enforcement Section
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Conduct post-EIA environmental monitoring and compliance auditing. |
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Conduct general patrolling and surveillance for open burning, illegal dumping and other point-source pollutions. |
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Assess environmental monitoring and auditing reports for projects subjected to EIA and to initiate appropriate follow-up actions. |
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Investigate public complaints on environmental matters. |
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Enforce Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance and its subsidiary Rules, Orders and Regulations. |
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Initiate legal action on environmental offences. |
v) Environmental Education and Publicity Section
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Plan and implement environmental education and awareness programmes. |
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Establish school environmental clubs (Kelab Pencinta Alam Sekitar or PALS). |
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Organize environmental dialogues, seminars, workshops and exhibitions. |
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Promote private sector involvement and commitment towards and self regulation through environmental awards and recognition. |
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Foster public relation through press and other media for greater awareness and better rapport with stakeholders. |
vi) Monitoring and Reporting Section
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Collect, collate, analyze, interpret and report on the water quality of major rivers and other water bodies in Sarawak. |
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Develop, coordinate and update the State GeoEnviron System. |
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Develop and update the Landfill and Dumpsite Information System of Sarawak. |
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Monitor the air quality and haze situations in Sarawak. |