FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

1. Who we are ?

Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB), Sarawak was established on 1st February 1994 pursuant to Section 3(1) of the Natural Resources and Environment Ordinance, 1993 (Cap. 84 – Laws of Sarawak). The NREB is tasked with the responsibility of protecting and managing the environment and the conservation of the natural resources of the State based on the principles of sustainable development. NREB's main objective is to protect and enhance the environmental quality of the State, towards achieving sustainable and balanced development in Sarawak. Our customers are the government departments, evironmental consultants, project proponents, relevant agencies and the public.

2. What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ?

EIA is a study which can be used as a planning tool, to predict the likely environmental consequences of a proposed development project. EIA provides the mechanism for preventive action and outlines ways to improve the project suitability for its proposed environment.

3. Why must do EIA ?

The aim of EIA is to ensure that potential problems are foreseen and addressed at an early stage in the project planning and design. In this regard, it becomes a planning tool in the design of a project to prevent environmental disaster and consequently, to avoid costly mistakes in project implementation at the earliest stage.

EIA is an important process in deciding the final shape of a project. It helps the project proponent to achieve his objective more successfully because:
  • A project that has been designed to suit the local environment is more likely to be completed on time and within budget, and is more likely to avoid difficulties along the way;
  • A project that conserves the natural resources it relies upon will continue to be sustained by the environment for years to come; and
  • A project that yields its benefits without causing serious problems is more likely to bring credit and recognition to its proponent.

4. Which Policy states on EIA requirement in Sarawak ?

Section 11A(1) - Natural Resources and Environment (Amendment) Ordinance 1994 stipulates the statutory requirement for EIA for development activities in Sarawak that having impacts on the environment of the State.

5. What is the Natural Resources & Environment Ordinance (Prescribed Activities) Order, 1994 ?

Prescribed Activities Order prescribes the activities or developments that requires submission of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Reports.

6. If you have any questions that are not specified or mentioned.

Please contact us:

Tel: +6082-447 488 / 319 500
Fax: +6082-312800
Email: webmasternreb@nreb.gov.my
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© Copyright of Natural Resources And Environment Board Sarawak
Last Updated On 25 Mar 2025

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8:00 am - 11:45 am & 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm

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8:30 am - 11:00 am & 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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